If we are not living our lives exactly as we want—with the love, friendships, and relationships we want, the abundance we want, and the happiness and peace we are seeking, we must examine our resistance.
It’s that word again: resistance. What does it mean? What do we do about it?
Essentially, resistance is any thought, belief, or behavior, either conscious or unconscious, that stands contrary to our desire. If we hope for the best but expect the worst, we get what we expect every single time.
Sometimes it can be as simple as not believing that you can have what you want. The negative mind critic or ego places limitations on what is possible for you.
If you don’t believe you can have the thing you desire, it shows up as resistance, despite all the things you are doing to achieve your goals.
Okay, so, what to do about it?
The reason anything is not happening in your life is because in one way or another, you are not yet lined up with it (you don’t think it’s possible, don’t think you’re worthy of it, or don’t think you can have it).
Here are eight helpful ways to deal with resistance:
1. Be the silent observer of your thoughts. Notice where you beat yourself up on past mistakes and the loop you keep playing of how you messed up over and over in your head. The past is not the present.
2. Stop future tripping. Telling yourself you’ll be happy when something happens in the future sets you up for a life of waiting and missing the life that’s in front of you today. Nobody is going to save you tomorrow if you can’t save yourself today.
3. Be kind to yourself. Notice the mean things you say to yourself and ask yourself if the thought is going to help you or hurt you?
4. Do what you can do something about. Let go of what you have no control over. Get into action and ask yourself how you can still enjoy yourself if this thing you have no control over doesn’t change.
5. Get into your body and out of your head. When you move your body, listen to music, get in nature, and get in the pleasure of the NOW. It puts you in a much more relaxed place of allowing. This why it feels so good when we fall in love or meet someone new. We are in our bodies, we are present, we feel everything and we enjoy every moment. Being fully present to all our senses puts us in the zone and out of our heads.
6. Get clear on the truest most beautiful story you can imagine about your life and use a mantra to support it. Find someone who has that life and keep telling yourself if he/she can have it than I can have it. “If they can have it than I can have it.”
7. Surrender to what is and rise above. The key to letting go of resistance is letting go of the expectation that you’re supposed to be anywhere other than where you already are, right now. Find a way to be happy with what is. Things will change soon enough and they will find you along your path, as you are ready. But until then, enjoy here, now and prepare yourself to receive.
8. Look for synchronicities. Look for signs that you are at the right place at the right time. The more you notice that nothing in life is a coincidence but actually a gift the more you will be living a life of non resistance.